Website Monetization
Author: Anete Jodzevica 16 minute read
#Ad Monetization #Website Monetization
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A Guide to Selling Ad Space on Your Website

Many publishers face challenges in monetizing their ad inventory, but with the right strategies and tools, you can attract quality advertisers and boost your eCPM.  Whether you’re an experienced publisher or completely new to this field, mastering the fundamentals of selling ad space is crucial. 

It’s not just about offering space–it’s about making that space appealing to advertisers and ensuring it resonates with your audience.

In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to sell ad space, covering everything from preparation to different monetization methods.

By the end, you’ll know how to make your website more appealing to potential advertisers and how to maximize your ad revenue.

How to Sell Ad Space on Your Website: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Optimize Your Website for Monetization
Before selling ad space, make sure your website is optimized for user experience. This includes fast load times, clean design, and mobile responsiveness.

Tools like Google Lighthouse and PageSpeed Insights can help you analyze and improve your site’s performance.

Step 2: Identify High-Traffic Pages
Determine which pages on your website attract the most traffic. These are your prime real estate for ads, as they will generate the most impressions and potential revenue.

Step 3: Choose the Right Ad Types
Not all ad formats work for every website. Choose the ones that best fit your layout and audience. Common ad types include banners, sidebar ads, interstitials, native ads, and video ads.

Step 4: Explore Different Monetization Methods
You can sell ad space through direct sales, ad networks, affiliate marketing, or programmatic advertising. Each method has its pros and cons, so choose what works best for your site.

Step 5: Set Competitive Ad Pricing
Pricing your ad space depends on your traffic, audience demographics, and engagement levels. Use models like CPM (Cost per Mille), CPC (Cost per Click), and CPA (Cost per Action) to find the right pricing structure for your site.

What is Ad Space and Ad Inventory?

Ad space is the area of a website or page dedicated to online ads. Ad formats, placements, and website traffic generally determine ad space pricing.

Ad inventory is the total volume of ad space that a publisher is willing to sell. Originally, the term was associated with print media, but it has now largely transitioned to spaces for digital ads across various platforms, such as desktop and mobile websites, apps, and video.

Types of Ad Space You Can Sell on Your Website

1. Banner ads

Banner ads are commonly placed at the top or bottom of pages or on the sides. They are designed to blend with the site’s content without being intrusive. These ads should be visually appealing and relevant to the site’s audience.

banner ads

2. Sidebar ads

Sidebar ads are often used on blogs or news websites. As the name suggests, they’re placed on the sides of the page. They are relevant, and their size and design should also complement the website layout. Sometimes referred to as side rails. 

sticky sidebar ad example

3. Pop-up ads

Pop-up ads don’t have a standard size or shape. They often appear on standalone websites, sponsored webpages, interactive games, or other content that is likely to get people to interact. 

Users must close pop-ups before proceeding with their actions, ensuring the ad’s message is viewed. A pop-up window can also contain a game, audio, or video to entice users. Pop-up ads are highly visible and more effective than banner ads. They are versatile and can accommodate most types of ads. 

banner ad vs pop up ad

4. Interstitial Ads

Interstitial ads are full-page ad units that appear at natural transition points, like between pages or after completing an action. They should be used sparingly and allow easy closure to avoid frustrating users. 

interstitial ads

5. Native Ads

Native ads are designed to mimic the look and feel of the site’s content, providing a seamless user experience. They should be clearly labeled as ads but made relevant and engaging to encourage user interaction.

native ads

6. Video Ads

Video ads are a highly engaging format, especially for websites with multimedia content. Pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll ads in video content can generate high revenue due to their visibility and interactivity.

instream video ad example

How to Sell Banner Ads on Your Website

Banner ads remain one of the most popular and effective ways to monetize a website. Here’s how to sell them effectively:

  • Place banners on high-traffic pages for maximum visibility.
  • Use multiple banner sizes to fit different device screens.
  • Test different placements (e.g., above the fold vs. below the fold) to find what works best for your audience.
  • Optimize your banners for engagement by ensuring they don’t obstruct the user experience.

How to Set Pricing for Your Ad Space

Setting the right price for your ad space is crucial to attracting advertisers and maximizing your revenue. There are several pricing models to choose from:

  • CPM (Cost per Mille): You charge advertisers for every 1,000 impressions of their ad.
  • CPC (Cost per Click): You earn revenue when users click on the ad.
  • CPA (Cost per Action): You’re paid when users complete a specific action, such as signing up for a newsletter.

Evaluate your traffic, audience demographics, and engagement levels to determine the best pricing model for your site.

How to Prepare Your Website for Ad Monetization?

If you’re looking to sell ad space, you have 3 main options: 

  • Direct sales involve one-on-one negotiations, requiring more time and resources than other methods. 
  • Affiliate marketing allows you to partner with businesses for a commission on sales generated through your site. 
  • SSPs automate the process, connecting you with multiple advertisers but offering less control. 

However, before diving in, make sure your website is optimized for ad monetization:

  • Analyze your website traffic: Use tools like Google Analytics to understand traffic patterns, demographics, and the devices your visitors use.
  • Ensure your website is mobile-friendly: With an increasing amount of traffic coming from mobile devices, optimizing for mobile is critical for higher engagement.
  • Improve load times: Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix to ensure your site loads quickly, which is crucial for user experience and ad performance.

How to Find Advertisers to Sell Your Ad Space?

  1. Research competitors’ advertisers: Analyze the advertisers on similar websites within your niche. These companies are already investing in your market and may be interested in advertising on your site as well.
  2. Google relevant keywords: Search for industry-specific keywords and examine the ads that appear in the results.
  3. Advertise yourself: Create a dedicated “Advertise With Us” page on your site that highlights your traffic, audience demographics, and available ad options.

Ad Networks vs Direct Sales: Which is Best for You?

When deciding how to sell your ad space, consider the pros and cons of ad networks versus direct sales:

  • Ad Networks: These automate ad placement and offer access to a large pool of advertisers. While convenient, they typically take a percentage of your revenue.
  • Direct Sales: Direct ad sales allow you to retain full control over pricing and placements but require more time and effort.

Smaller websites may prefer ad networks like Google AdSense or, while larger sites with specific audiences may benefit more from direct sales.

Utilizing Ad Networks

Ad networks act as brokers between publishers and advertisers. Popular networks include Google AdSense, Setupad, and Each has its benefits:

  • Google AdSense: A free platform offering CPC ads. Best for smaller publishers or beginners.
  • Setupad: A premium network offering advanced monetization for larger publishers.
  • Focuses on contextual advertising and is a strong competitor to AdSense.
  • Infolinks: Specializes in in-text ads and is a good option for websites with low to moderate traffic. It offers impression-based revenue and can be used alongside other ad networks.

Google AdSense

Google AdSense is a free CPC platform that allows publishers to earn money each time someone clicks on their ads. AdSense is a simple and good choice for small publishers (>100K monthly visitors) who are new to website monetization. 

It doesn’t require technical knowledge, and the setup process is straightforward.

adsense getting started


Setupad is an analytics-driven monetization platform and a Google Certified Publishing Partner (GCPP) known for its advanced ad stack, including a proprietary ad server, 11 server-to-server integrations, and 31 premium demand partners. 

Setupad guarantees at least a 30% ad revenue boost over Google AdSense, with many clients seeing even higher increases. Publishers also benefit from dedicated account executives, ensuring top-notch customer service without requiring extensive programmatic ad experience. 

Setupad’s various header bidding and Google AdX integrations cater to publishers of all sizes, making it an ideal partner for maximizing ad revenue.

setupad is one of the leaders in contextual advertising and a strong AdSense competitor. It offers a higher revenue per thousand impression rate (RPM) than AdSense. The platform gives publishers access to a network of clients to boost their ad revenue and benefit from a rich search market. has one of the largest advertiser networks you can tap into with low traffic, making it one of the best AdSense alternatives for low-traffic websites.


Infolinks is an impressions-based ad monetization solution. This platform can be used alongside Google AdSense and Publisher Management Partners, and though there are pageview requirements, Infolinks describes them as “modest.” 

As long as the minimum payout has been met, publishers receive 65% of ad revenue on a NET 45 basis via PayPal, bank wire, eCheck, and ACH for US bank accounts.


Direct Ad Sales

With direct ad sales, publishers bypass intermediaries such as ad networks, SSPs, and DSPs to negotiate one-on-one deals with advertisers. This allows for more control over ad formats and placements while fostering stronger relationships with advertisers.

Building long-term partnerships with advertisers through performance reports and regular communication is key to maintaining advertiser retention.

Benefits of direct ad sales

Here are 4 key benefits of direct ad sales:

  • By eliminating the middleman, publishers can retain a larger portion of the ad revenue.
  • Direct interactions foster stronger relationships with advertisers, leading to long-term partnerships.
  • Publishers can tailor ad placements and formats to better suit the advertiser’s needs, improving ad effectiveness.
  • Direct deals provide more control over the types of ads displayed, ensuring they align with the publisher’s brand and audience preferences.

How to Sell Advertising Space on Low-Traffic Websites

If you have a low-traffic website, you can still sell ad space by focusing on alternative monetization methods:

  • Affiliate marketing: Promote products relevant to your audience and earn commissions on sales.
  • Native ads: These blend into your content, making them more effective on niche sites.
  • Target niche advertisers: Even with low traffic, your audience might be valuable to specific businesses.

Negotiating ad deals

Before negotiating ad deals, you should research and target companies whose products or services align with your audience. Highlight your website’s traffic, audience demographics, and the benefits of advertising directly with you.

Make sure to negotiate the terms of the deal, including ad placement, duration, pricing, and performance metrics. Maintain open communication and provide performance reports to ensure advertiser satisfaction and foster long-term collaborations.

How to Manage Your Ad Space?

Tracking ad performance

Analytics tools (e.g., Google Analytics) help to monitor your ads’ performance, including metrics like impressions, clicks, and conversion rates. Review these metrics regularly to optimize ad placements and formats for better engagement and revenue.

Ensuring ad quality

Vetting advertisers and ensuring ads are relevant and non-intrusive to your audience is key to maintaining high ad quality. Use ad networks that provide ad quality control and regularly review ads to ensure they meet your standards.

Dealing with ad fraud

Protect your ad space from fraudulent activities, such as click fraud and fake impressions, which can undermine advertiser trust. Implement anti-fraud tools and work with reputable ad networks that have strong fraud detection measures. 

Note: Regular site audits can help identify and mitigate ad fraud risks.

Optimizing Ad Formats

Optimizing ad formats involves experimenting with different ads (e.g., banners, native ads, video ads) to see which ones work best for your audience and website layout. 

Different formats can attract more attention and encourage interaction, but it is important to balance ad effectiveness with a nonintrusive user experience to keep visitors on your site longer.

Compliance and Ethical Standards 

Ensuring compliance and ethical standards is crucial for publishers to maintain trust and credibility with their audience and advertisers. Ethical standards help prevent misleading or harmful ads, foster a positive user experience, and safeguard the publisher’s reputation.

Moreover, compliance minimizes legal risks and potential fines, while ethical practices enhance long-term relationships with advertisers by ensuring their brands are represented responsibly. 

Regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA, ensure the protection of user data and the transparency and fairness of advertising practices. 

Ad Management & Analytics Tools

Google Ad Manager

Google Ad Manager enables advertisers and publishers to manage and serve ads to multiple audience segments from a single platform. It provides comprehensive insights into ad revenue and helps improve ROI through detailed reporting. 

GAM offers granular controls and supports various ad exchanges and networks, including Google AdSense, Google Ad Exchange, and third-party networks.

Google Ad Manager

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free quantitative tool that provides detailed statistics about your website’s traffic. It offers valuable insights into user demographics, behavior, and the sources driving traffic to your site. GA helps you understand who your users are, what devices they use, and which pages they visit. 

However, it lacks qualitative data, so it cannot explain why users behave a certain way or what issues they encounter.



Hotjar is a behavior analytics tool that focuses on qualitative insights. Its session recordings, surveys, and feedback widgets allow you to observe individual user journeys and gather direct feedback. This makes it an excellent complement to traditional analytics tools like GA, as Hotjar provides the qualitative data that GA lacks, though it has limited quantitative capabilities.


Programmatic Advertising – A More Advanced Strategy

Before programmatic advertising, all the ordering, setting up, and reporting processes had to be done manually. Now, with the help of AI and machine learning, it’s easier to execute real-time buying and selling of ads.

  • Programmatic advertising is the automated buying and selling of digital ad space.

Programmatic advertising is the best option for selling your website’s ad space due to its efficiency and automation. Due to its ability to connect publishers with a vast network of global advertisers, it can offer higher fill rates and more competitive bidding.

You may ask–how does it works?

  • Real-time bidding ensures each ad impression is sold to the highest bidder, maximizing revenue potential.
  • Enhanced targeting capabilities deliver highly relevant ads, increasing engagement and conversion rates. 

Additionally, programmatic platforms offer detailed reporting, analytics, and support, allowing publishers to optimize performance. 

Thus, your ad system can handle increasing ad space without additional effort or resources.

This means that as your website traffic grows and you add more pages or sections, a programmatic system can automatically manage and optimize these new ad placements. This ensures that your ad operations remain efficient and effective, no matter how much your inventory expands, leading to sustained or increased revenue potential.

Common Challenges and Solutions

Low traffic 

Low traffic can significantly impact a publisher’s ability to sell ad space, as advertisers seek websites with a substantial audience to maximize their ad reach.

  • Solution: Focus on improving SEO, creating high-quality content, and promoting your site through social media and other channels. Engaging with your audience and providing valuable content will gradually increase your traffic, making your site more attractive to advertisers.

Ad blockers

The widespread use of ad blockers reduces the number of ads displayed, directly affecting ad revenue.

  • Solution: Implement strategies like asking users to whitelist your site, using ad block detection scripts, or offering ad-free experiences for a subscription fee. Additionally, focus on non-intrusive ad formats that are less likely to be blocked.

Advertiser retention

Retaining advertisers can be difficult if they do not see a satisfactory return on their investment, leading to high churn rates.

  • Solution: Build strong relationships with advertisers by providing detailed performance reports, optimizing ad placements for better results, and offering flexible pricing models. Ensuring that advertisers achieve their goals will encourage them to continue partnering with you.


Selling ad space is an excellent monetization strategy for website publishers because it can generate consistent revenue by leveraging existing traffic.  

Publishers can feel the most benefits by integrating with ad networks, using programmatic advertising for efficient and automated ad placements, and directly negotiating with advertisers. These benefits include diversified income streams, increased earnings from high-traffic pages, and the ability to tailor ads to your audience, enhancing engagement. 

However, ensuring compliance with legal standards, maintaining high-quality ad content, and regularly analyzing ad performance to optimize placements is crucial. Understand your audience and choose the right ad formats and placements to maximize revenue while preserving user experience.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the best ad format for high revenue?

Video ads and native ads typically generate high revenue due to their engaging and non-intrusive nature.

How do I find advertisers for my niche site?

Research potential advertisers that align with your content, analyze competitors’ advertisers, use relevant keywords, and reach out directly with tailored pitches.

What tools are essential for managing ad space?

Google Ad Manager, Google Analytics, and behavior analytics tools like Hotjar are essential for effectively managing ad space.

How can I ensure my ads comply with regulations?

Stay updated on advertising regulations, use ad platforms that offer compliance features, and regularly review your ad content for adherence to legal standards.

What are the future trends in online advertising?

Future trends include the increased use of AI for personalization, the growth of programmatic advertising, and a focus on privacy-friendly ad practices.

About Anete Jodzevica
Anete is a content marketing specialist at Setupad. In addition to writing articles, she works at gathering information, verifying data, and explaining complex concepts to others. Anete believes that simplicity is the key to brilliance.
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