This unique Adapter empowers publishers to swiftly unlock the advantages of Prebid Server demand. Unlike the conventional Prebid client-side approach (Prebid.js), where each SSP initiates a call from the user's browser, the Prebid Server solution dramatically accelerates this process by connecting with an extensive list of demand partners through a single call.
Simply put, Setupad Prebid Adapter (starting from version 8.42.0) acts as an additional SSP in your wrapper that allows you to benefit from Prebid Server. This single Adapter hosts all Prebid Server S2S connections with multiple top SSP partners.
Setupad Prebid Adapter can yield on average 40% extra revenue depending on the website's in-house wrapper efficiency and demand strength. This revenue would be lost with just the Prebid client-side wrapper (Prebid.js) and is therefore considered the future of cookieless monetization in 2024.
A Prebid Server is a powerful tool that transforms online advertising for publishers. It moves bid requests from user devices to a server-side location, acting as a bridge between publishers and advertisers. This innovative approach eliminates delays, improves website loading speed, and enhances overall user experience. Many publishers now opt for a hybrid system that combines Prebid client-side wrapper (Prebid.js) and Prebid Server to maximize their ad revenue by connecting with multiple demand partners while minimizing browser requests.
Setupad's Prebid Server, built on our proprietary Prebid technology, is seamlessly integrated with our in-house ad server. We've invested in an internal cloud-hosted ad server solution and a cloud-hosted bidding platform, reducing our reliance on third-party sources and ensuring complete ownership of our core advertising technologies. This approach grants our publishers an unparalleled level of control over their header bidding processes, equipping them with powerful tools to optimize their monetization strategies.
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