2. Must have significant traffic (100K+ visitors per month)
3. Must agree to paste our ads.txt onto your website and use all Setupad demand sources, including Google.","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266151452","position":4,"url":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266151452","name":"How can I monetize my website?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Just sign up here! Simply provide us with your website domain and contact details, and we'll get back to you about the next steps and monetization opportunities.","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266152104","position":5,"url":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266152104","name":"Do you have a contract?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes, we have a contract that covers our security and your security. You'll receive the contract when both sides have agreed on a test period.","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266184489","position":6,"url":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266184489","name":"What's the pricing?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Our solution is risk-free. Setupad doesn't require a volume commitment before showing a revenue growth potential. We earn money by taking a revenue share commission.","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266185273","position":7,"url":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266185273","name":"In which currency will I be paid?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Setupad pays publishers in euros (EUR).","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266186072","position":8,"url":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266186072","name":"When will I receive the money?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"You'll see your first payment 60 days after the first month has finished. For example, you'll receive your January revenue at the end of March. Then February revenue at the end of April and so on. If the minimum threshold of €100 is not reached, earnings will be added to the next month until they exceed €100 and are paid out.
","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266186974","position":9,"url":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266186974","name":"What are the available payment methods?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"You can receive your payment via bank transfer, PayPal, Payoneer, Wise, Revolut or Paysera.","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266207541","position":10,"url":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266207541","name":"How can I calculate the approximate monthly revenue from banner ads on my website?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"We always suggest our clients run a test period to see the results for themselves. This is the most effective way to see how much our solutions can increase your ad revenue. Each website is different, and ad revenue depends on overall monthly visitors, geo locations of web traffic, how many pages per visit a user scrolls through, visit duration, and many other factors.","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266208293","position":11,"url":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266208293","name":"What ad revenue increase can you guarantee?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"We guarantee a 30% increase over Google Adsense and Google Adx when implemented according to recommendations. The majority of our clients exceed the minimum of 30% increase in ad revenue - some even see increases up to 300%. To estimate your results, we suggest you run a test.","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266209674","position":12,"url":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266209674","name":"What's the average eCPM?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Setupad's solutions run a header bidding auction, so we can't reliably predict the average eCPM. Buyers set the price for specific impressions, and with our solution, the highest bidder wins and generates the highest CPM. Keep in mind, that the price can differ depending on many variables, such as traffic, user quality, geolocations, ad placement, and your website's niche. We suggest you run a test to see the results for yourself - it won't cost you anything!","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266247509","position":13,"url":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266247509","name":"What does the integration process look like?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"1. Receive login details to access Setupad's UI via email
2. Download the ads.txt from the UI and paste it in your website's root folder
3. Complete the Google Publisher Form you receive in your email
4. We contact you to agree on the ad placements and sizes you'd like to run on your website
5. Receive the ad codes by email and implement them through your ad server, or directly through your website","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266248757","position":14,"url":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266248757","name":"How long is the test period?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"It takes two to four weeks to see optimal results, though we strongly suggest you run a four-week test so we can add the majority of the SSPs. We've created a guide on how to correctly compare Setupad results, which you can access here.","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266263909","position":15,"url":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266263909","name":"Can I run multiple ad provider companies through my site?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes. If you're unsure about how much traffic you'd like to monetize with us we suggest you run a test, then analyze and compare the results. Our tips on how to accurately compare Setupad results with other monetization platforms can be found here.","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266264682","position":16,"url":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266264682","name":"Can I connect my Google Adx account with Setupad's header bidding solution?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"It's possible, but your Google AdManager and Google Adx accounts have to be customized for the header bidding. It requires a lot of work and time for both Setupad and the publisher, so such a SaaS solution is useful only for large publishers that are ready to commit to a fixed monthly cost. You can get all the benefits more easily using the Setupad wrapper solution.","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266265259","position":17,"url":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266265259","name":"What's the best way to set up a Setupad campaign on GoogleAdManger (GAM)?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"First, define the Setupad campaign as a Sponsorship priority and make sure that it's the only sponsorship campaign. Otherwise, Setupad won't receive 100% of the traffic allocation. Also, make sure that Setupad campaign isn't running iframe or safeframe. Second, disable Google AdSense/Google Adx for the specific ad placements running Setupad. A step-by-step guide on how to prepare GAM for Setupad AD units can be found here.","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266265843","position":18,"url":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266265843","name":"How should I set up Setupad campaign on other ad server?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Define the Setupad campaign as the highest possible priority and make sure that it's not running iframe or safeframe.","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266294101","position":19,"url":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266294101","name":"What SSPs do you use?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Our header-bidding connects you to more than 20 of the most popular SSPs: GoogleAdx, Xandr, Magnite, Criteo, Index Exchange, Adform, RTB House, PubMatic, Amazon, OpenX, Sovrn, district m, EMX, SmartRTB+, Between Digital, 33Across, AdaptMX, Conversant, Adagio, Lupon Media, Yahoo, Sharethrough, OneTag and AdYouLike.","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266294787","position":20,"url":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266294787","name":"Do you monetize apps?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes. Please contact us for more information about app monetization here.","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266295486","position":21,"url":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266295486","name":"Will my website's loading speed be affected by your service?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"No. Our solutions won't affect loading speed, as Setupad has a one second timeout by default and normally the auction ends within 400ms.","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266296337","position":22,"url":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266296337","name":"Are Setupad solutions Better Ads compliant?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes. We only recommend ad placements that are compliant with the Better Ads Standards.","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266339799","position":23,"url":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266339799","name":"How do I know which ad formats are best for my website?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"We suggest choosing ad placements with the highest visibility for both desktop and mobile. Setupad solutions also have sticky and anchor ad formats available (for desktop and mobile), which boost your ad revenue even more. You can see all of our ad formats here.
Feel free to contact our team for a free consultation about what ad formats would work best for your website.","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266340636","position":24,"url":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266340636","name":"What if I don't like the ads displayed on my website?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"We encourage all our clients to install the Setupad Google Chrome extension for easy management of unwanted ads. It will allow you to report and block unwanted ads immediately.","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266341219","position":25,"url":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266341219","name":"Do you refresh the ads?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes. We've developed a smart ad refresh solution - viewable bid optimization (VBO).
Ad refresh is triggered if:
The banner ad has been viewable for 30-40 seconds
The next buyer bids more than the average eCPM, avoiding a diminishing average eCPM
Setupad's VBO can increase the total revenue for a particular ad position by 10-20%.
It's also beneficial for advertisers because the refreshed banner's CTR is often higher than the first one. It's a win-win situation for both publishers and advertisers.","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266344683","position":26,"url":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266344683","name":"Do you work directly with advertisers?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes. We work with a few advertisers, but our demand is mainly from OpenRTB connecting multiple SSP platforms to a header bidding solution. If you're an advertiser, please contact us here.","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266345253","position":27,"url":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266345253","name":"What is ads.txt?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"All of our publishers are obliged to add Setupad's ads.txt to their website. “Ads.txt, or so-called Authorized Digital Sellers, is designed to reduce ad fraud types as domain theft or alleged domain hijacking. Ads.txt increases the transparency of the publisher’s ad inventory by knowing where impressions are purchased and resold.” Check out our ads.txt guide here.","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266345866","position":28,"url":"https://setupad.com/faqs/#faq-question-1661266345866","name":"How will I be able to monitor results from Setupad banners on my site?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"After your website is validated, you'll receive your login details for the Setupad reporting system. Once your test is live, you'll be able to see and track how much ad revenue your site is generating based on ad requests, impressions, average eCPM, fill rates, and real-time statistics for the last 30 minutes.","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"}]}
Setupad is an ad tech company helping publishers maximize ad revenue through advanced programmatic advertising solutions. We have a suite of products, ranging from managed service to completely automated self-serve for running Prebid Client, Prebid Server, Amazon TAM, and Google OB. With Setupad, publishers can use their own GAM, direct SSPs and access Setupad's reseller accounts, including GooleAdx. The full suite allows for the mixing of all the accessible demand sources while providing control and gross revenue transparency.
The Setupad Self-Serve platform empowers publishers to independently manage all their ad tech without relying on IT support for code updates. With this platform, publishers can seamlessly add or remove demand partners, A/B test any vendor on the go, and utilize Setupad’s partner network to cover any missing demand.
The Self-Serve platform is ideal for publishers who prefer hands-on control over their ad operations and focused on driving results for their business independently. Our platform is also the most cost-efficient for publishers with their own demand, although this is not a requirement.
Setupad Self-Serve offers three packages: Free, Business, and Enterprise. Each package has different levels of features and support, allowing publishers to choose the option that best suits their ad management needs and budget.
No hidden fees and revenue shares. Self-Serve is billed at a low, pay-as-you-go monthly price.
Support for Setupad Self-Serve users varies based on the package selected. For Free package users, support is limited to basic resources like guides or FAQs. Business package users have access to a ticketing system where they can reach our AdOps and IT team regarding any issues. Enterprise package users receive the highest level of support, including dedicated account management for personalized optimization advice from our experts.
The Setupad Bidder is an adapter that integrates Setupad’s demand sources into a publisher’s Prebid setup. It allows publishers who already use Prebid to connect with Setupad’s premium server-side demand partners, adding more competition at no expense to the user experience.
The Setupad Bidder integrates simply by adding its adapter to the publisher’s Prebid setup. This involves placing a code snippet into the header bidding wrapper, allowing Setupad’s demand to compete with existing partners. This quick setup enhances demand without significant adjustments to the current ad configuration.
Adapter users get access to the Setupad Client UI and can view revenue data, manage billing, handle ads.txt settings, and control CMP (Consent Management Platform) configurations.
Your first payment will be issued 60 days after the end of your first month. For example, January’s revenue will be paid at the end of March. Then, February revenue at the end of April, and so on. If the minimum threshold of €100 is not reached, earnings will be rolled over to the next month until they reach €100 and are paid out.
You can receive your payment via bank transfer, PayPal, Payoneer, Wise, Revolut or Paysera.
Managed Prebid is a fully managed service that offers various cooperation types tailored to your current monetization setup and needs.
We’ve developed a smart ad refresh solution. Our smart ad refresh is triggered if:
Yes. If you’re unsure how much traffic you’d like to monetize with us, we suggest running a test and then analyzing and comparing the results. Our tips on accurately comparing Setupad results with other monetization providers can be found here.
With Managed Prebid, publishers gain access to the Setupad Client UI after website validation. In our reporting interface, clients can see the ad revenue generated, ad requests, impressions, average eCPM, and fill rates. Additionally, publishers can monitor real-time statistics for the last 30 minutes.
Your first payment will be issued 60 days after the end of your first month. For example, January’s revenue will be paid at the end of March. Then, February revenue at the end of April, and so on. If the minimum threshold of €100 is not reached, earnings will be rolled over to the next month until they reach €100 and are paid out.
You can receive your payment via bank transfer, PayPal, Payoneer, Wise, Revolut, or Paysera.